Do you want leads in the home market?

Do you wish to establish a feed of leads of people with real, impeding home projects? At Universal Media Co we specialise in marketing to people with home projects, and can create marketing solutions for businesses that wish to communicate with these audiences. Take a look at the selection in this daily ticker and see if some of these leads would work for your business.

Black Rock
Advice on a pool
Probably an 8x4 and a pool builder in south aust
Glen Waverley
Hi, are you able to help with pool repairs? We have a pebblecrete pool that needs repair, photos as shown. We have tried to fixed the cracks which has lasted a couple of years but it's come to a time we think we need professional help. Thanks
We have an 11mt x 5 mt, approx, inground concrete pool that we would like to re place with a fiber glass one.
Green with
Kitchen and laundry
Wanting to redo kitchen benchtops without removing current bench tops, don't want laminate at all. Thanks
Gawler East
Renovate my kitchen Change out all doors and drawers Some alterations
Coffs harbour suburbs depend s where the land packages of Presidents unto nations send about all my address is closed to Coffs harbour suburbs close to town centre packages pay by all presidents unto nations
Not renovation relocate to Coffs harbour suburbs close to town centre packages pay by all presidents unto nations fix now separately from settlement thank you Lord Amen

These are real Australians, with real projects, seeking help from one of our services at Universal Media Co. You will notice that their descriptions are short, lack building terms, often arrive out of hours, and often contain typos – that is because they are genuine enquiries for assistance. Some want pools, some want landscapes, some are building new homes, some are doing whole renovations. We help these people by assisting with research that is relevant to their own project, and giving genuine referrals.

So, how can you get your products in front of this audience?

People with impending home projects, are the most important audience to target in any marketing campaign in the home market.

Not every business can advertise as extensively as large businesses like Harvey Norman, but with some focus on the customer, every business act like Harvey Norman within their target audience, and achieve brand awareness to people who have impending projects. This discipline is also cost-efficient.

At Universal Media Co this is one of the most important channels for our suite of published products. For over a decade we have used digital techniques to acquire name and address data of consumers with real impending home projects.

Some audience members want digital information, some want print publications like ‘Home Design Magazine’ and ‘Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Magazine’, some want business referrals, some want showroom details, and some want us to do the leg work and help them research their projects.

These are all services that we operate at Universal Media Co. All consumer data that we acquire through this channel is acquired on an opt-in basis, is held securely, and then taken on a journey that allows audience members to discover the products and services that they have expressed interest in. This journey typically lasts a period of 24 months of “greatest interest” and then expires. At any one time this live database reflects consumers who are most active in the home market right now.

If you are looking to market exclusively to an audience that actually has upcoming projects then acquire about our digital band marketing services to this audience. We also have a number of positive lead-generation options for select business types, offering good digital information services.

Interested in how we use data to reach people with projects? Click here for more.
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