Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly, the No 1 research tool for kitchen and bathroom buyers
What we do at the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group
We use print and digital media to…
1. Target People with Projects when they are budget-ready and ACTIVELY doing their research.
2. Specifically, Consumers who have the money and aspiration, who will live with the project, and who are seeking the lifestyle benefits of a new kitchen or bathroom.
3. Both Socioeconomic ABC consumers and the designer who influences their decisions.
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly is a Research Tool for kitchen and bathroom buyers
As a group we specialise in reaching the target audience that matters, at the time it matters most.
This is why we are one of the most robust, highly-targeted and cost-effective solutions in the media business.
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly is NOT a lifestyle magazine for recreational reading.
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly IS a research tool.
This is why Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly, and other magazines in the stable look different – we are targeting a reader who has particular needs NOW. We have an audience of doers not dreamers.
Our readers want to know….
In one afternoon spent with Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Magazine audience members can figure out what styles they like, what brands they want to check out, what designers to call, what showrooms to visit and where.
The Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Network is also consumed by kitchen and bathroom designers. This gives a powerful multiplier to the marketer – in one media buy you can get both the consumer and the designer who influences their decisions.
The principle of targeting the right people at the right time, also applies to our Social and Digital Media Networks.
In Digital our main driver is data – actual email addresses of people who have entered the market for a project. We work tirelessly to ensure we have the right kind of people, with the highest possible standards of data collection.
In Social media we use sophisticated enterprise-level tools to ensure we are targeting audiences that are ACTIVELY researching not PASSIVELY browsing.
This important distinction makes your marketing investment with the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group bankable.
5 Key Advantages of Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly as a Medium
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly offers the following distinct advantages to marketers
1. The Right Target Audience – Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly targets only consumers with impending projects i.e. the do-ers in the market, not the dreamers.
2. Meaningful Numbers – According to the independent IPSOS EMMA poll, for last 5 years Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly has offered over 230,000 readers every 12 weeks. Although much more targeted than other generalist home publications, Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly gets more readers.
3. The Right Environment – The advantages offered by your product or service might be lost on generalist readers, but people with projects are “in the zone” and want to know. They are in the pre-purchase research phase, and don’t only want to know, they need to know.
4. A cost-effective way to look BIG and eliminate waste. By focusing just on the portion of the market that is actively spending, marketers can eliminate the wastage that is involved in other solutions. A TV campaign might reach a lot of people, but only a very small number are working on projects. By targeting on in the audience at the time they are researching, the marketer is able to eliminate waste and spend valuable marketing dollars on gaining a bigger presence.
5. Kitchen & Bathroom Designers. Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly also offers an often overlooked, but very important, secondary market – the kitchen and bathroom designers. This secondary audience are much fewer in number but can be influential when working with customers choices.
The Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Magazine
Market-Leader. Mass Market. 230,000 Readership – IPSOS EMMA June 2019
Kitchen Yearbook
88,000 Total Edition Audience – Nov 2018
Bathroom Yearbook
86,000 Total Edition Audience – Nov 2018
Luxury Kitchens & Bathrooms Annual Magazine
Upmarket projects. 45,000 Total Edition Audience – Nov 2018
Grand Designs Kitchens & Bathrooms Annual Magazine
Official Magazine of the TV show. Designer projects. 120,000 Total Edition Audience – Nov 2018
The Complete Home Network
Australia’s largest “Do-It-for-Me” home portal. 1 Web Portal with 120,000 visitors/month, 10 eNewsletters and 10 Social Media Pages.
The Specifier Source Network
A visual reference network for time-poor specifiers of multi-use residential buildings. 1 Web Portal with 10,000 Visitors/Month, 4 eNewsletters and 2 Social Media Pages.
Facebook Pages
Reach any regional or interest audience from our base of Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly (26,000) Complete Home (12,000) or Home Design (66,000).
Inbox Media
Complete Home Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas eNews – Currently reaching 5,000 people
Complete Home City eNews – Current reach SYD 14,000 people, MEL 15,000, Qld 16,000, ADL 2,000 and West Coast 4,000.
Kitchen & Bathroom Design Specifier – Currently reaching 6,000 specifiers for kitchen and bathroom projects
How to Market a Kitchen Design Business
Whether you are starting out, or are an established business trying to get a bigger market share, it is critical to find your target audience and communicate the advantages of dealing with you.
At Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly we perform marketing services for all kinds of kitchen businesses – small independents that do 20 kitchens a year, to bigger players with 150 projects a year. Our mission is to help all of these businesses reach the right target audience, with a message that powerfully communicates what they do.
Targeting the Right Market Cost-effectively
The fundamental thing in common to all kitchen design businesses is the necessity to manage tight marketing budgets and when spending to make sure they are reaching the right target market.
The consumers who buy Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly magazine online, in a newsstand or supermarket, are all after one thing – help to research for their impending project.
This is the fundamental difference that we offer other media. TV, Radio, Local Papers and even other Home Magazines all reach audiences that include people who have absolutely no need for your services, and no intention of doing a kitchen makeover at all.
Having identified the market of consumers with impending projects, we need to drill down further to see what part of that market is right for you, and to position your business as a leader in that category.
Positioning Your Kitchen Business
So – Why should the prospective customer deal with you? In a crowded market, what makes you different?
Do you focus on providing services to a geographic area? Is price your advantage, or are you offering a quality consultancy for an upmarket market? Ae you already busy, but seeking to obtain quotes for bigger jobs?
By analysing what you do, we can create high-quality leads that reflect the type of customer you are looking for.
Kitchen Design Businesses Benefit from Brand and Content Marketing
We believe that a combination of Brand, and Content Marketing strategies are important to get kitchen businesses to succeed.
Brand Ads allow you to communicate your benefits with your own logo, look and feel. The next time your prospective customer drives by, they will recognise you.
Brand Ads say to the prospective customer – we are here, this is what we do, and we are ready for business.
Content Marketing allows you to demonstrate what you do via an example of work.
Content Marketing helps establish credentials in the mind of the consumer. The consumer has to make a decision and is wondering ‘Who are they? Can they design? Do they have a sense of style? Have they done this before?’ By showcasing an example of your work in a glossy magazine with the imprimatur of Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly, you are going a long way to resolving those inner conflicts.
From time to time we encounter kitchen design businesses who feel that they have to spend too much time creating content to service digital platforms, and that this disrupts the focus of design and customer service. In truth a few powerful content marketing moments can more than cover hours of platform-service. We take the headache out of content marketing for our customers by providing photographers who can shoot your work, and by doing the story-telling and design in a format that works.
Once the story is told it can be deployed to a range of digital mediums. Our showcase editorials work just as hard on the Web or Social Media as they do in Print. A carousel of images demonstrating your latest project, once boosted as an actual campaign to the target audience using enterprise-level tools, can be far more powerful than standard platform maintenance.
If your point-of-difference is a focus on the Northern Suburbs, then your showcase editorial can be re-crafted in to a boosted social post that only reaches people in the Northern Suburbs.
If your point-of-difference is dominance in the upmarket market in your city, then a Premium Content Pack online in our CompleteHome.com.au network full of showcase editorials and other imagery will win traffic, generate some high quality in-links for your own SEO, acquire visitation from our customer databases, and enhance your digital reputation.
Sales Tools for Kitchen & Bathroom Design Businesses
Kitchen & Bathrooms Quarterly also provides Advertisers some useful Sales Tools that help in the real world of warming up customers and winning quotes:
- -Magazine Copies – Showing your prospective customer and example of a project that you have done, that is featured in a magazine adds IMPACT to your initial consultation.
- -Showcards In the Showroom – A showcard is black laminated board with strut on the back featuring your magazine story. A show room full of these demonstrates that you have been featured many times and helps create confidence in the mind of any prospective customer.
- -Official Badges – A badge on your website that states you have been featured in Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly, or on the CompleteHome.com.au network.
- -Social Posts – Take any story we’ve run about you and post it to your own social media platforms.
How to Market a Bathroom Makeover Business
Whether you are starting out, or are an established business trying to get a bigger market share, it is critical to find your target audience and communicate the advantages of dealing with you.
At Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly we perform marketing services for all kinds of bathroom businesses – small independents that do 20 kitchens a year, to bigger players with 150 projects a year. Our mission is to help all of these businesses reach the right target audience, with a message that powerfully communicates what they do.
Targeting the Right Market Cost-effectively
The fundamental thing in common to all bathroom makeover businesses is the necessity to manage tight marketing budgets and when spending to make sure they are reaching the right target market.
The consumers who buy Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly magazine online, in a newsstand or supermarket, are all after one thing – help to research for their impending project.
This is the fundamental difference that we offer other media. TV, Radio, Local Papers and even other Home Magazines all reach audiences that include people who have absolutely no need for your services, and no intention of doing a kitchen makeover at all.
Having identified the market of consumers with impending projects, we need to drill down further to see what part of that market is right for you, and to position your business as a leader in that category.
Positioning Your Bathroom Business
So – Why should the prospective customer deal with you? In a crowded market, what makes you different?
Do you focus on providing services to a geographic area? Is price your advantage, or are you offering a quality consultancy for an upmarket market? Are you already busy, but seeking to obtain quotes for bigger jobs?
By analysing what you do, we can create high-quality leads that reflect the type of customer you are looking for.
Bathroom Design Businesses Benefit from Brand and Content Marketing
We believe that a combination of Brand, and Content Marketing strategies are important to get bathroom businesses to succeed.
Brand Ads allow you to communicate your benefits with your own logo, look and feel. The next time your prospective customer drives by, they will recognise you.
Brand Ads say to the prospective customer – we are here, this is what we do, and we are ready for business.
Content Marketing allows you to demonstrate what you do via an example of work.
Content Marketing helps establish credentials in the mind of the consumer. The consumer has to make a decision and is wondering ‘Who are they? Will it be waterproof? Can they design the space properly? Do they have a sense of style? Have they done this before?’ By showcasing an example of your work in a glossy magazine with the imprimatur of Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly, you are going a long way to resolving those inner conflicts.
From time to time we encounter bathroom design businesses who feel that they have to spend too much time creating content to service digital platforms, and that this disrupts the focus of design and customer service. In truth a few powerful content marketing moments can more than cover hours of platform-service. We take the headache out of content marketing for our customers by providing photographers who can shoot your work, and by doing the story-telling and design in a format that works.
Once the story is told it can be deployed to a range of digital mediums. Our showcase editorials work just as hard on the Web or Social Media as they do in Print. A carousel of images demonstrating your latest project, once boosted as an actual campaign to the target audience using enterprise-level tools, can be far more powerful than standard platform maintenance.
If your point-of-difference is a focus on the Northern Suburbs, then your showcase editorial can be re-crafted in to a boosted social post that only reaches people in the Northern Suburbs.
If your point-of-difference is dominance in the upmarket market in your city, then a Premium Content Pack online in our CompleteHome.com.au network full of showcase editorials and other imagery will win traffic, generate some high quality in-links for your own SEO, acquire visitation from our customer databases, and enhance your digital reputation.
Sales Tools for Kitchen & Bathroom Design Businesses
Kitchen & Bathrooms Quarterly also provides Advertisers some useful Sales Tools that help in the real world of warming up customers and winning quotes:
- -Magazine Copies – Showing your prospective customer and example of a project that you have done, that is featured in a magazine adds IMPACT to your initial consultation.
- -Showcards In the Showroom – A showcard is black laminated board with strut on the back featuring your magazine story. A show room full of these demonstrates that you have been featured many times and helps create confidence in the mind of any prospective customer.
- -Official Badges – A badge on your website that states you have been featured in Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly, or on the CompleteHome.com.au network.
- -Social Posts – Take any story we’ve run about you and post it to your own social media platforms.
Marketing Appliance Brands
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly is the leading medium used by appliance companies to establish brand, launch new ranges, and communicate about new technologies to a market that is ready to listen.
In the past 2 years, Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly has provided timely, multi-media marketing services to Bosch, SMEG, Arisit, Qasair, Zip, Kitchen Aid, Ilve, Electrolux and many, many more.
We know that Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly readers are moving in to new projects with new appliances. In 2015 we joined forces with the KBDI to survey consumers in this market – below shows what we found.
Reference: KBQ KBDI 2015 Survey
How the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group can help market your Appliance Brand
- Establish Your Appliance Brand
If prospective customers are not familiar with your brand, then sales will be timid, and even price reductions can fail to motivate customers.
That said, a lot of effort and expenditure over time goes in to becoming a household name, and there is a lot of waste. TV campaigns are great, but how many viewers are actually working on kitchen projects?
At Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly we offer a way to go BIG with branding for a nice price. By focusing just on the portion of the market that is actively making project choices and spending, marketers can eliminate the wastage that is involved in other more mass solutions.
The cost-saving achieved by targeting only the market that matters, can then be spent on taking a bigger presence for the brand. Going BIG, and looking and acting the part will win consumer confidence, and increase sales.
- Communicate The Benefits to a Market that is Ready to LISTEN
The fact that your oven, or washer, or cooktop is the best needs to be demonstrated visually and explained to gain traction in the market.
We do this via Brand Advertising (Display Ads) but also via Content Marketing, which once created can be deployed in print, digital, social and inbox media.
Kitchen & Bathroom quarterly readers are primed for messages on points of difference between the appliance ranges. Specifically, they want to know….
- Launch New Appliance Ranges
In this competitive market, new launches can be expensive, but the marketer of a new range has a distinct edge – a story to communicate to everyone in the supply chain.
We help communicate that story to every level within the market. Our services include:
- Development of collateral for sales people
- Development of Trade marketing messages
- Development of Consumer marketing messages
- Branding – Converting overseas material to local needs for any publication
- Content Marketing – Developing story
- Social Media Campaigns
- Digital Reputation
- Shoot and/or deploy Video
Marketing kitchen & Bathroom Product Brands
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly is the leading medium used by product companies to establish brand, launch new ranges, and communicate about new features to a market that is ready to listen.
In the past year, Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly has provided timely, multi-media marketing services to Cosentino, Talostone, Caesarstone, Haffele, Oliveri, Abey, Bathe, Duravit, Arisit, Glenn Dimplex, Perrin & Rowe. Qasair, Zip, Whelan, Berloni, Brodware, Marquis, Methven, Vola, Bora, Best Link, Blum, Caroma and many more.
How the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group can help market your Product Range
- Establish Your Product Brand
If prospective customers are not familiar with your brand, then sales will be timid, and even price reductions can fail to motivate customers.
That said, a lot of effort and expenditure over time goes in to becoming a household name, and there is a lot of waste. TV campaigns are great, but how many viewers are actually working on kitchen projects?
At Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly we offer a way to go BIG with branding for a nice price. By focusing just on the portion of the market that is actively making project choices and spending, marketers can eliminate the wastage that is involved in other more mass solutions.
The cost-saving achieved by targeting only the market that matters, can then be spent on taking a bigger presence for the brand. Going BIG, and looking and acting the part will win consumer confidence, and increase sales.
- Communicate The Benefits to a Market that is Ready to LISTEN
The fact that your benchtop, tap, storage system or hardware is the best needs to be demonstrated visually and explained to gain traction in the market.
We do this via Brand Advertising (Display Ads) but also via Content Marketing, which once created can be deployed in print, digital, social and inbox media.
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly readers are primed for messages on points of difference between the appliance ranges. Specifically, they want to know….
- Launch New Kitchen & Bathroom Product Ranges
In this competitive market, new launches can be expensive, but the marketer of a new range has a distinct edge – a story to communicate to everyone in the supply chain.
We help communicate that story to every level within the market. Our services include:
- Development of collateral for sales people
- Development of Trade marketing messages
- Development of Consumer marketing messages
- Branding – Converting overseas material to local needs for any publication
- Content Marketing – Developing story
- Social Media Campaigns
- Digital Reputation
- Shoot and/or deploy Video
Marketing Kitchen & Bathroom Showrooms
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly is the leading medium used by retailers to establish brand, motivate visitation and market key sales events in kitchen and bathroom retail stores Australia-wide.
In the past 2 years, Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly has provided timely, multi-media marketing services to retailers of all sizes including Harvey Norman, Hardware & General, Schots, Reece, Cass Bros, Stocks and many, many more.
How the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group can help market your Retail Showroom
- Establish Your Retail Brand as a Destination
Prospective customers need to know what you stand for and offer to even contemplate visiting the store. Your brand and range must become known to the target audience.
That said, a lot of effort and expenditure over time goes in to becoming a household name, and there is a lot of waste. TV campaigns are great, but how many viewers are actually working on projects?
At Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly we offer a way to go BIG with branding for a nice price. By focussing just on the portion of the market that is actively making project choices and spending, marketers can eliminate the wastage that is involved in other more mass solutions.
The cost-saving achieved by targeting only the market that matters, can then be spent on taking a bigger presence for the brand. Going BIG, and looking and acting the part will win consumer confidence, and increase sales.
- Give a Sense of What’s There
The fact that you have the biggest range in a location needs to be demonstrated visually and explained to gain traction in the market.
We do this via Brand Advertising (Display Ads) but also via Content Marketing, which once created can be deployed in print, digital, social and inbox media.
Kitchen & Bathroom quarterly readers are primed for messages on points of difference between the appliance ranges. Specifically, they want to know….
- Launch New Stores, or Get Customers to Sales
In this competitive market, new launches can be expensive, but the marketer of a new store needs to get people with real spending intention through the door.
We help communicate your call-to-action within the market. Our services include:
- Development of collaterals for sales people
- Development of Trade marketing messages
- Development of Consumer marketing messages
- Branding – Converting overseas material to local needs for any publication
- Content Marketing – Developing story
- Social Media Campaigns
- Digital Reputation
- Shoot and/or deploy Video
About the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Audience
Main Magazine Audience
221,000 readers every 12 weeks (IPSOS EMMA July 2018)
An Active audience of “Do-ers”
86% are carrying out kitchen and bathroom projects in the next 12 months
26% of plan to begin a renovation in the next 3 months
Big Spenders
76% intend to purchase tapwear
67% intend to purchase a sink
66% intend to purchase a vanity
64% intend to purchase a bath
63% intend to purchase a range hood
And There’s no Waste
98% Aged 25+
94% Home owners
92% Carrying out renovations to an existing home
We Know our Audience
In 2015 The Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group partnered with the Kitchen & Bathroom Design Institute to survey and produce the Kitchens & Bathrooms Consumer Report. Below are the highlights…
- -86% of Kitchen & Bathroom Media Group respondents were planning an upcoming project, and 14% had already started
- -93% or respondents were doing the project for a home that the respondent themselves would live in
- -86% cooking were cooking “proper meals” at home 5 or more days per week
- -33% of consumers were willing to spend over $10,000 on appliances.
How is Readership Calculated?
This readership is independently researched by the IPSOS company through the EMMA product (Enhanced Media Metrics Australia) and served to buyers through software called Data Friend.
The figure is arrived at by surveying over 40,000 Australians per year and is updated every single month. For the very latest figure contact your Consultant.
How we Sell our Magazines
Print media is the ultimate browse and opt-in game – consumers opt in by spending their money on the magazines we produce. To be effective at this game Magazines are no longer sold only at newsstand – especially niche publications like Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly – but have built up more targeted networks over the last decade.
In addition to over 3,500 Newsagencies, all the magazines in this stable are proudly sold through…
- -Online – Print copies are sold through Amazon, eBay, Magshop, I-subscribe and via aggressive, targeted e-commerce strategies through our own UniversalShop.com.au
- -Digital Edition – Our digital version is sold through the App Store, Zinio, Magster, Flipster and many more.
- -Speciality Retail – Print copies are sold in Pop-up design stores, Home Ideas Centres and many more.
- -Key Account Retail – Print copies are sold in Nextra, WH Smith, LS Travel, COLES Stores and many more.
- -Anywhere there is Data – DA applicants buy our print copies from direct mail, genuine expo attendees buy our print copies via direct mail, and Influencers sell print copies on affiliate deals.
When Targeting Consumers with Project Intentions, Renovator Data is Central
Universal Media Co is at core a data company, optimised to build value around an actual name and address lead. Once we have activated a piece of data we will sell an average of 2.2 media products per record.
Our Magazines sit at the centre of a network of individual renovators who have opted-in to receive our communications to help research for a new project. These leads are transitory (as their projects will be complete in 12 months), hard to acquire, hard to keep, absolutely GOLDEN opportunities and are not available elsewhere in Australia.
Our lead-nurturing journeys often start with…
- -White papers, e-learning and e-news products offered via our entire digital network
- -Social media acquisition to data services
- -Print media acquisition to data services
- -Digital edition acquisition to data services
- -Opt-ins via expos, third party websites and content supply arrangements
- -Affiliate partnerships
The Kitchens and Bathrooms in Australia
At Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly we often get asked about basic market metrics, and encourage any business owner or manager to explore the reports below.
The key thing to observe when creating a marketing strategy designed to reach consumers in this market, is that the renovation market itself might only be growing at an average of 12,500 kitchen projects per month and 20,000 bathroom projects/month, Nationally. The new home market is more volatile, and may be contributing 16,000 kitchens per month, or 24,000 bathrooms per month.
This is why the highly-targeted strategies of the Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Media Group are of such high value. Rather than spend money to create a brand in the minds of half a million people who might renovate “some day”, Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly specialises in targeting those who are in the pre-purchase research phase of a kitchen or bathroom renovation project today.
How many kitchens and bathrooms are renovated in Australia each year?
Each year approximately 150,000 kitchens are renovated, and approximately 240,000 bathrooms are renovated. This refers to renovations, not kitchens and bathrooms built in new homes. This is the critical market for anyone marketing a kitchen or bathroom design service, or showroom retail.
The number of new homes built each year fluctuates with the fortunes of the market, but currently stand at approximately 200,000 per year. New homes tend to include one kitchen and two bathrooms and are a significant part of the market for anyone marketing appliances or products.
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly KBDI Market Survey
Kitchens & Bathrooms Quarterly Magazine joined forces with the KBDI in 2015 to look at preferences in the kitchen and bathroom market. For full details go here.
HIA Kitchen & Bathroom Survey
The Kitchens & Bathrooms Chapter of the HIA conduct a report periodically via HIA Economics. For full details go here.