Consumers turn to Magazines for Inspiration and Escapism

Declared an ‘Essential Service’, the local community newsagent had an edge during lockdowns in Australia.  In this story from Ad News Alex Smith states “People are sticking closer to home right now. Even as some states re-open and businesses come out of hibernation, there’s an understandable desire to stay away from crowded indoors spaces and large gatherings. Instead of spending hours commuting to work on a train, driving into the office, or hanging around in a shopping centre, people are staying local. So, newsagents are staying busy as people stay within their suburb to do their shopping and embrace local stores and community.  At the same time, trawling social media for hours on end or binge-watching Netflix has quickly became more of a chore than a welcome break from a confined reality. Getting offline and unplugging has become an enjoyable change for a lot of people. Relaxing and reading a magazine has become a popular choice for those seeking some down time.

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